Freshlife Sprouter FL-3000

TribestArtnr: S-10048



Freshlife Sprouter FL-3000

Tribest Artnr: S-10048

Freshlife is an automatic sprouting machine. Plug it in, fill it with water and seeds and then wait for 5-8 days; then you have organic fresh sprouts and shoots and wheatgrass at home. The sprouts stay moist throughout the process and the watering takes place automatically. It is good to change the water in the container once a day. In European countries, we recommend building Freshlife up to a maximum of 2 levels, because of the European water pressure. You can find extra sets here. Learn more


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Automatic Sprouter Freshlife FL-3000

Fill your sprouter with water, soaked seeds and wait for 5-8 days to have fresh organic wheat grass, fresh organic sprouts and shoots at home. The seeds should be soaked first. Read the instructions on the seed bag to see how long you should soak them.

You should change the water in the container once a day or once every other day. Freshlife keeps the sprouts moist all the time and the watering mechanism is automatic.

Sprouted vegetables are not just tasty, but also contain 10-50 times more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Make sprouts of radish, broccoli, garlic, onion, sunflower, wheatgrass, alfalfa, mung beans etc. The sprouter is silent and you can grow up to four different types of seeds per barrel. Click here for sprouting seeds.

The box contains the base and one barrel, just like it is depicted in the photo. We recommend that you buy one extra set to double the number of sprouts/shoots you get from this sprouter. Because of the European water pressure, we recommend people living in European countries to use a maximum of 2 levels on their Freshlife sprouter.

Click here for an extra set.


Dimensions: 25,4 X 25,4 X 36,8 cm. Weight: 3,72 kg Power: 15 W Warranty commercial use: 6 months. Warranty personal use: 1 year. User manual: Download.


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