A question we get all the time is what time of the day it is best to take a supplement or an herb, and if they should be taken in combination with a meal or not. Therefore, we put together a little guide with the most common supplements and when to take them for optimal results.
In the morning/afternoon:
In the morning, the body is a little extra receptive to nutrient uptake. It is also a time when we like to take supplements that stimulate energy production and mental clarity. For the same reason, some of these are less optimal to take in the evening, especially for those that are sensitive and/or find it difficult to unwind.
– B complex
– Vitamin B12
– Multivitamins
– Vitamin C
– Vitamin D (preferably with calcium).
– Q10
– Maca
– Multivitamin (can also be divided into two: half in the morning and half in the afternoon)
Any time during the day:
These supplements can be taken at any time of the day, as they are rarely experienced as neither stimulating nor relaxing. They just give your body nourishment and help it to function optimally at any given time.
– Omega-3 (algae/fish oil). – Calcium (although some suggest it is best to take in the morning). – The vast majority of adaptogens – Greens and algae – Antioxidants – Iron (optimal absorption on an empty stomach, but the most important thing is to avoid drinking milk and caffeine at the same time, as they interfere with the absorption of iron).
Afternoon or evening:
In the evening we want to help the body to relax and restore. These are the most common supplements that are great to take either with dinner or about an hour before going to sleep:
– Magnesium (can also be taken in the afternoon).
– Aloe Vera
– Lemon Balm
– Chamomile
– Reishi (both morning and evening is fine, but when you take it in the evening it can help you to relax).
– L-Theanine (also good to take in the afternoon).
With or without food? This is usually specified on the label, so please check what it says on your bottle or package.
With food:
These supplements should be taken with food for optimal results:
– Vitamin D
– Digestive enzymes
– VSome Probiotics
– Lactic acid bacteria (see instructions on the bottle/package).
– Q10
– L-lysine
– Selenium
– B complex
– Multivitamin
– Calcium
Before eating:
These supplements should be taken on an empty stomach for optimal results:
– The vast majority of herbs – including extracts, capsules and powders. – Zinc sulphate – Vitamin B12 – Systemic enzymes – Certain probiotics (read instructions on the bottle/package).
Special occasions:
These are examples of supplements that should only be taken during shorter periods, e.g., to cure particular issues. To know what time of day they should be taken – and whether they can be taken with food or not – please read instructions on the bottle/package.
– Oregatrex – Oregano oil – Olive leaf extract – Canadian Carrot – Cranberry extract / D-mannose – Fungal Defense – Cleanses/Detox treatments, such as Zeotrex, Livatrex, Renaltrex, Mycozil.
We hope that this overview was helpful to you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!