Global Healing Liquid Selenium Supplement

Global HealingArtnr: 10823


Global Healing Liquid Selenium Supplement

Global Healing Artnr: 10823

Selenium is an important trace mineral that supports a healthy body in many ways. Selenium contributes, among other things, to normal thyroid function, to the normal function of the immune system, to protect cells from oxidative stress and to maintain normal hair and normal nails. 29,5 ml. At the recommended dosage, a bottle lasts for 60 days. Learn more


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Liquid Selenium

Selenium is an important trace mineral and antioxidant that contributes to:

  • to maintain normal hair and nails.
  • normal function of the immune system.
  • normal thyroid function.
  • to protect the cells from oxidative stress.

Global Healing’s selenium contains 200 micrograms of easily absorbable and vegan-friendly selenium. Many selenium supplements on the market are produced from synthetic selenium. Global Healing produces its selenium by cold pressing organic mustard seeds, which preserves the micronutrient profile. Then they use MicroSomal® Technology to ensure that the micronutrients can be absorbed by the body.

Dosage adults: 1 ml per day with food.

Note: Keep out of reach of children. The recommended dose should not be exceeded. Dietary supplements should not be used as an alternative to a varied diet. Consult a nutritionist or doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. During pregnancy, we recommend a multivitamin / mineral for pregnant women.

Contents: 29,5 ml, lasts for 60 days at the recommended dosage.

Nutritional content per 1 ml: Selenium 200 µg.

Manufacturer: Global Healing, USA.


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Ingredients: Selenium from organic mustard seeds, organic vegetable glycerin, triple distilled water, organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, organic cold pressed avocado oil, trace minerals. Global Healing selenium is produced in a state-of-the-art factory equipped with all modern equipment that has ISO 22000 certification – the highest in food safety.